10 Signs You’re More Intelligent Than You Think
No IQ test required.
You don’t think you’re intelligent because you’re self-aware.
Obviously, you don’t think you’re a genius. What are you, a narcissist
However, the fact that you’re thinking deeply about your intelligence compared to others is a sign of at least moderate intelligence.
Now, focus your brain on something important, like building the right skills.
You read for fun.
I don’t know any dumb people who read lots of books. I don’t many smart people who don’t read.
Reading is a foundational habit of building your intellect.
You have good romantic relationships.
Good romantic relationships require conscious thought, self-awareness, and emotional intelligence.
If you have good relationships or a stable partner, you’re probably fairly smart.
You have friends who you consider to be very smart.
You might view yourself as a blundering idiot and your friends as put-together geniuses, but those so-called put-together geniuses want to spend time with you, it’s…